I'm a Published Author! Now What?

What's Next for the Newly Published Author?

     So you just got your fist book published, congratulations! You achieved what so many others have tried to and what so many are still trying to. You put in the countless hours of research and writing and you kept going. Publishing a book is something to take pride in but once all the confetti falls and the fireworks cease to brighten the sky... now what?

     Sure there will be book signings, social media tours and interviews but you'll find out soon that you are only good as your latest book. Your fans will blow through what took you months maybe even years to write and publish in a matter of a few days. They'll send you letters and you'll be just as excited to read them as they were to write them. In those letters they'll ask you when your next books is coming out. 

     That's when things will really start to sink in and the truth that "Content is King", will hit you. The truth is you can do as much networking, socialmediaing and promotion for your book as you want but the fact is that you need to keep writing. Readers will come and when they finish and love your first book they will look for your next book, and the one after that, and the one after that. 

     It's an amazing thing to have so many people interested in your writing and flattering when they ask you if you can write faster. Now as an author your job is to provide content and more content and more content. Once your published the answer on what to do next is simple, do what you do best and write. After all this is what you do/want to do for a living. 
Jonathan Yanez: I'm a Published Author! Now What?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I'm a Published Author! Now What?

What's Next for the Newly Published Author?

     So you just got your fist book published, congratulations! You achieved what so many others have tried to and what so many are still trying to. You put in the countless hours of research and writing and you kept going. Publishing a book is something to take pride in but once all the confetti falls and the fireworks cease to brighten the sky... now what?

     Sure there will be book signings, social media tours and interviews but you'll find out soon that you are only good as your latest book. Your fans will blow through what took you months maybe even years to write and publish in a matter of a few days. They'll send you letters and you'll be just as excited to read them as they were to write them. In those letters they'll ask you when your next books is coming out. 

     That's when things will really start to sink in and the truth that "Content is King", will hit you. The truth is you can do as much networking, socialmediaing and promotion for your book as you want but the fact is that you need to keep writing. Readers will come and when they finish and love your first book they will look for your next book, and the one after that, and the one after that. 

     It's an amazing thing to have so many people interested in your writing and flattering when they ask you if you can write faster. Now as an author your job is to provide content and more content and more content. Once your published the answer on what to do next is simple, do what you do best and write. After all this is what you do/want to do for a living. 


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