One Thing Well
A few weekends ago I had the opportunity to sit in on a panel of established authors who were talking about the importance of social media. They were discussing the idea that you didn't need to try and tackle every social media outlet available. You only need to pick one, maybe two, as long as you use that particular social networking tool well.
In a time of Twitter, Pintrist, Facebook, Instagram, Blogs, Goodreads, Amazon Author Pages, etc, it is near impossible to have your hands in everything. If you are somehow able to get onboard with all of these programs it is even harder to stay active on each and everyone.
Regardless of what everyone has to say social media should be about quality over quantity. Sure you want hundreds, even thousands of fans/followers but this all means nothing if you are not able to interact with them and get whatever message you are trying to get across, across.
Instead of trying to use every social media tool, pick one or two. Connect with your audience on a regular basis. Find out what interests them. Enjoy connecting with people and don't overburden yourself with "having to get more likes/followers." After all this is supposed to be fun... right?