The Latest News
Normally, I would have an individual blog post for each of the below listed topic but so much has happened over the last few weeks I thought for the sake of your time I would just give you a list instead of a few pages of updates. So this is what I have been up to, whats been going on and what you can look forward to in the next few months.
1) The Trials, book two in The Elite Series, is now available in audio book through Amazon.
2) The movie deal for The Beast Within is still moving forward. The producers are still in and out of meetings. The latest word is that everyone loves the premise and idea behind the book.
3) The third book in The Elite Series, The Judge, is finished and with my publisher. They are working on the cover now. Fingers crossed we'll have the cover in the next few weeks and keep those fingers crossed the book will be out late January 2014.
4) I've been working on two new projects side by side, Thrive and Zero. The plan is to release each series in six bite size "episodes". I plan on releasing the first section of both projects for free so you can know what you're getting yourself into. I'd love to give you an episode every month... we'll see how fast these fingers of mine can type...
A) Thrive's first section is finished and edited. All we are waiting on is the cover art. I'd say a safe bet for the release would be early December, but I'm pushing for sooner.
B) Zero's first section is also written. We are waiting for it to be edited and the cover art to also be done. Tentative release date would be mid to late December.
Hope you have a great week and thanks for taking the time to stop by. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll be sure to respond.