The Beautiful Struggle of Writing…

How not to go crazy writing every single day.

     I recently had someone ask me how many words I average a day. I told them that my goal each day was 4,000 new words. While their mouth dropped open I assured them that although that was my goal I sometimes landed between 2,000 and 3,000 words. Their mouths just dropped further. 

     They asked me how I was able to sit and make so many words appear on the page. I thought about it for a few seconds and told them that I did it because I made myself. The answer was simple but even as I think about it now it's still true. I write, I make goals and I follow through because I want it bad enough.

     I'm a firm believer that if anyone wants something enough they can accomplish it through hard work and dedication. Writing 4,000 words a day isn't easy for me, but like anything else I've practiced and it has become easier. 

     My best advice is to start with a goal of 1,000 words a day and stay consistent. Don't make excuses and hold yourself accountable. When you are able to hit 1,000 words a day on a consistent basis up it a few hundred. Word by word you'll make it. Embrace the struggle and find joy in the process. After all as writers this is what we signed up for… right?
Jonathan Yanez: The Beautiful Struggle of Writing…

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Beautiful Struggle of Writing…

How not to go crazy writing every single day.

     I recently had someone ask me how many words I average a day. I told them that my goal each day was 4,000 new words. While their mouth dropped open I assured them that although that was my goal I sometimes landed between 2,000 and 3,000 words. Their mouths just dropped further. 

     They asked me how I was able to sit and make so many words appear on the page. I thought about it for a few seconds and told them that I did it because I made myself. The answer was simple but even as I think about it now it's still true. I write, I make goals and I follow through because I want it bad enough.

     I'm a firm believer that if anyone wants something enough they can accomplish it through hard work and dedication. Writing 4,000 words a day isn't easy for me, but like anything else I've practiced and it has become easier. 

     My best advice is to start with a goal of 1,000 words a day and stay consistent. Don't make excuses and hold yourself accountable. When you are able to hit 1,000 words a day on a consistent basis up it a few hundred. Word by word you'll make it. Embrace the struggle and find joy in the process. After all as writers this is what we signed up for… right?


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