Jonathan Yanez

Jonathan Yanez: October 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Beast Within Audio Book!

Book 1 in The Elite Series Has Arrived

     It's one thing to write a book and hear all the characters in your head. It's another thing to hear someone reading your own book out loud. The first time I hit play I had to stop it, because it was just too much. I've listened to it now and I have to say Lee Strayer does a great job reading The Beast Within. They even put dramatic closing music accompanying the end of each chapter! The Beast Within audio book is available on amazon and by clicking the picture above. 

     Also for all of you who don't know, book three in The Elite Series is finished and with my publisher for a cover and editing. We've decided as "The Judge" for the book title and I'm hoping to get it to you by the end of the year.

     Lastly, I've started on two new projects that I plan on writing simultaneously and releasing in sections. "Thrive" and "Zero" will each be 5 to 6 parts and released as soon as I am done writing them so readers can follow along with each release similar to watching a TV show. The sections will be cheap, the first installment free and then maybe .99 or 1.99 after that. I'm excited to get these new projects out there and can't wait to see what you think. 


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Social Media For The Author

One Thing Well

     A few weekends ago I had the opportunity to sit in on a panel of established authors who were talking about the importance of social media. They were discussing the idea that you didn't need to try and tackle every social media outlet available. You only need to pick one, maybe two, as long as you use that particular social networking tool well.

     In a time of Twitter, Pintrist, Facebook, Instagram, Blogs, Goodreads, Amazon Author Pages, etc, it is near impossible to have your hands in everything. If you are somehow able to get onboard with all of these programs it is even harder to stay active on each and everyone. 

     Regardless of what everyone has to say social media should be about quality over quantity. Sure you want hundreds, even thousands of fans/followers but this all means nothing if you are not able to interact with them and get whatever message you are trying to get across, across. 

     Instead of trying to use every social media tool, pick one or two. Connect with your audience on a regular basis. Find out what interests them. Enjoy connecting with people and don't overburden yourself with "having to get more likes/followers." After all this is supposed to be fun... right?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Bad Land Blog Tour is Coming!

Bad Land Blog Tour Coming Soon!

     As you can see the website got a facelift. Hope you enjoy the new lay out as much as I do. I think the thing I am excited for the most are the progress meters for each title I am currently working on. I'll be updating them every week to keep you in the loop as to what is coming next. It's also going to keep me motivated to write and provide you with the best content I can, as soon as I can.

     Next the Bad Land tour is coming to a blog near you! If you are a blogger that would like to get involved either in my own tour or another author's at Limitless Publishing you can follow the link below. Or if you are a reader who enjoys an inside glimpse into the writing process or a behind the scenes look you can also find the blog schedule by clicking on the provided link below.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

October 2013 Project Update

Project Update

     With the recent release of Bad Land I wanted to keep you all in the loop to what I am writing next. Rest assured I write on a daily basis and I'm working hard to not only improve my writing skills but come up with new and relevant ideas for books. 

#1 BAD LAND - Bad Land is a paranormal new adult mystery. It was just released last week and available now on Amazon.

#2 STEAM AND SHADOWS (Working title subject to change) - Steam and Shadows is a new adult steampunk inspired novel. The book is finished and I am currently deciding what to do with it. 

#3 KINGS AND JUDGES (Book 3 in The Elite Series) - Kings and Judges is where I am spending the bulk of my time now. It's 90% finished! I still need to go through another round or two of edits but I am looking forward to submitting it to my publisher by the end of October. 

#4 Untitled Project - This is in the very early stages of development but think Marvel comics meets Donnie Darko meets a crime scene investigation show. I have an outline and characters with a solid storyline ready to go. I plan on starting this project as soon as I am finished with Kings and Judges. 

     As you can see I've been busy. I'll be dropping these updates by as projects continue to progress and enter the different stages of development. Thank you for taking the time to check out what's coming next and if you want to get the latest news feel free to subscribe to my blog. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Bad Land Has Arrived

Available on Amazon Now!

     The day has arrived and I can't wait to hear what you think about my latest novel. But before you 
go and buy the book I want you to listen to a song that I found that fits the mood of the story ridiculously well.                                                       

     SO GOOD RIGHT!? Okay now you can go...